

An open source, transparent, self hosted employee management tool.

If you're interested in hosting Marathon for your small to medium sized business, V0LT offers comprehensive installation support for $30/hour. If you'd prefer to have Marathon hosted off-site, check out V0LT web hosting services!

Marathon's defining feature is the 'shift verification hash', which allows employees to cryptographically prove that they worked a given shift.


Marathon gives administrators and managers access to a simple, yet powerful collection of tools.


Managers and administrators can quickly and easily determine how much each employee is owed, and mark their shifts as paid.


Marathon allows managers and administrators to access all sorts of information, including all of the employees who are currently clocked in.


The employee interface only takes seconds to learn, and is extremely intuitive.


Marathon is an employee tracking tool designed to prioritize both employees and their managers. With Marathon, managers can add employees to the system, manage their information, and track payment information. Employees can quickly and easy clock in, clock out, and keep track of their hours and pay.

Marathon's main defining feature is it's unrivaled transparency. Using simple cryptography, Marathon allows employees to prove that they worked a given shift to their employers using a 'shift verification hash'. Similarly, employers can know with near certainty that if an employee has a shift verification hash that they did indeed work a given shift. Simply put, when an employee clocks out of their shift, they recieve a unique string of seemingly random characters that has been generated using their employer's defined key, and contains all of the information about their shift. Only someone with this key could generate such a string. If a doubt about the hours worked by an employee comes up, the employee can present this random string, and their employer can use their key to see if the information contained in the string matches the hours the employee claims to have worked.

Self Hosted

Marathon is run completely on your own hardware, meaning it doesn't have to be dependent on an internet connection. You're free to set up Marathon however is best for your situation.


Marathon is designed to be transparent for employees, allowing them to be sure they are being paid fairly without compromising the privacy or security of other employees. Simiarly, employers can be confident knowing that the software they trust with the business is completely open source and freely auditable.

Open Source

Marathon is completely free and open source, meaning you're completely free to inspect, audit, and modify the code that powers it.


Marathon protects you from yourself by detecting malformatted information before it is added to the database. Even if invalid data does make it through the filters, it will be stored in a safe way that won't corrupt the database after being loaded.


Just as you would expect from an employee management tool, Marathon is designed to make the job of you and your employees as convenient as possible.


Marathon is unbelievably lightweight, and uses 0.03% of the network data that competing platforms use.


Marathon doesn't need JavaScript or other modern web technologies. This means it should be blazing fast, even on outdated systems your business may already have.


Despite being JavaScript free, Marathon is responsive to all screen sizes, and works great on both mobile and desktop devices.


Marathon encrypts all passwords, ensuring that your login credentials can't be obtained even if someone gains physical access to the server you run Marathon on.


Out of the box, Marathon is easily accessible to those with visual impairments, and is fully accessibility compliant.


Marathon features a lightweight, modern design, making it easy, intuitive, and visually appealing to use.


Due to it's self-hosted nature, Marathon is extremely reliable and resiliant. It doesn't need any external services, or even an internet connection at all. As long as your business is up and running, Marathon will be there along side it.


Marathon provides conveinent, relevant statistics to both employees and managers alike, making it quick and easy to see trends and spot issues.


Marathon is extremely fault tolerant, such that a single error won't cause the system-wide issue. Just because a certain function encountered and error doesn't mean your entire business has to go offline.


Marathon has unrivaled privacy, and contains absolutely no telemetry of any kind. Marathon gives you the peace of mind that absolutely no critical (or even non-critical data) is being shared with any third parties.


Since this program is written in PHP, the "Web" and "Source" downloads will be identical. Either of these downloads can be hosted on any compatible webserver, regardless of the operating system.


WebMarathon 2.0 Web

SourceMarathon 2.0 Source


WebMarathon 0.1 Web

SourceMarathon 0.1 Source