

A streamlined way of creating Hex and RGB color codes!

Hexagon in dark mode, displaying the color white


Hexagon in dark mode, displaying a teal color


Hexagon in dark mode, displaying a pastel purple color


Hexagon in light mode, displaying a pastel red color


Hexagon in light mode, displaying the color orange


Hexagon is a streamlined way to create RGB and Hex color codes. Instead of having to go online to locate a suitable tool, or even creating the codes from hand, Hexagon runs locally on your device, so you can access it from anywhere! Hexagon also takes advantage of the native MacOS color palette tools, so you'll most likely already be familiar with the interface. The native color palette also offers a plethora of different color selection options including a color wheel, color cloning, color sliders, web colors, a color spectrum, and more!

If you're looking for a tool similar to this on Linux, I encourage you to check out Coulr. Coulr is not developed by V0LT, but is open source, and has an extremely similar design to Hexagon.