
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can learn more about V0LT, and read frequently asked questions.

Who's responsible for V0LT?

My name is Conner, and I'm the sole person behind V0LT. Thats not to say I'm the only reason it exists though. V0LT heavily depends on the efforts of free software developers all over the planet. Without these developers, I wouldn't have the software and tools I need to create V0LT content. If you'd like to learn more about me and my background, you can do so here!

Where can I get in contact?

You can contact V0LT a few different ways. To view all the contact methods available, visit the Contact page.

What even is open source/libre/free software?

Generally speaking, these terms refer to programs for which the user is given access to the source code that powers them. There's a bit more nuance to it, and the different terms have slightly different meanings. To learn more about this, check out the page here.

I've found a typo, glitch, or bug in a piece of V0LT content. What do I do about it?

If you've found something wrong with V0LT content, I'd highly appreciate if you'd let me know at If applicable, you can also make changes via git, and submit a merge request to have the changes made to the mainline V0LT verison of the software.